Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Photographers Todd Kaplan and Charlie Borland have teemed up with a new class at The Perfect Picture School of Photography, teaching The Business of Outdoor and Nature Photography.

Check out PPSOP for the latest on our classes.


Catch me on Catch Magazine!

Hello all I haven't been so good about posting new stuff on my blog but here is a good one to check out.

This is all about Todd Kaplan's Photography and fly fishing. The best of both worlds. And these are good worlds to be involved in. Nothing is better than fishing and recording it on film (OK digital these days). Join me at Catch Magazine; I have about ten pictures running in The November/December issue here is the URL; check this out: catchmagazine.net

I think it is the best fly fishing magazine in the biz and it is ONLY online. It is interactive with short video clips that are really cool. SO if you like fly fishing you will love this magazine. If you like great photography there is some really nice stuff in Catch. You can click on the "Introducing" to see my images.

ALSO - I have relaunched my website. It is pretty slick now and has all kinds of cool links to other projects I have been working on.


Go to it and you can see all kinds of new stuff. Check out the Portfolio section to view some of my best images. Everything has keywords now so it is really searchable.

So check it out.

Hope you are well, Todd